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Course image Teaching Civics with Character Education through Enrichment & Creative Expressions
Student Outcomes

This course is designed for in-service teachers at the secondary level of the education system who will be delivering the National Standards Curriculum (NSC) Civics to students at the Grades 7-9 level.
Teachers will explore the content, skills and attitudes needed to deliver NSC Civics. The NSC Civics course explores Jamaican culture and heritage as the context for developing informed, creative, confident and productive Jamaican citizens. 
Teachers will be exposed to NSC Civics JamWay methodology which allows for a multidisciplinary and inclusive approach. This course will also help teachers to integrate entrepreneurial skills, character education, and climate resilience (green skills) into the delivery of NSC Civics.
Modality: Mixed
Date: August 12-23, 2024
Duration 15 hours
Certification: Competence
Participants: Grades 7-9 registered teachers

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