Enrolment options

Course image Lead Teacher Training
Leadership and Management

The Jamaica Teaching Council (JTC) created the Lead Teacher programme to provide teachers with opportunities to collaborate and support each other. The Lead Teacher Programme encourages the creation and provision of professional development opportunities (PDOs) that are targeted at the specific needs of teachers. Through the Lead Teacher Programme, teachers create and execute PDOs with and for other teachers.

Lead teachers are full time members of staff in schools. They volunteer to start, promote and sustain PLCs. It is the voluntary work of the Lead Teachers that makes the Lead Teacher Programme possible.

This training has been developed to:

  1. Empower Lead Teachers to create and sustain learning communities aligned to their area of interest and that are supportive of the teacher development work being undertaken in their QECs.
  2. Challenge and refine Lead Teachers' understanding of teacher development and, as a result, identify suitable professional development opportunities in which teachers can be engaged. 
  3. Initiate Lead Teachers into the protocols of working as teacher leaders within their local space 

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